1940 June 3-German scientists fail to observe neutron multiplication in the reactor in Hamburg. 1941 January-Based on experiments with a natural uranium reactor, the Germans reject graphite as a moderator. July-British 'Maud' Committee reports that a weapon could be made with 10 kg of U-235; U.S. Academy of Sciences endorses bomb program. 1942 May-Heisenberg and Dopel observe the first multiplication of neutrons. December 2-First nuclear chain reaction at Chicago's Stagg Field by Fermi. 1943 March 15-Oppenheimer moves the bomb development to Los Alamos. 1944 August 26-Bohr presents his memorandum on intentional control of nuclear weapons to Roosevelt. November-First batch of spent fuel obtained from Hanford reactors. November-Goudsmit's ALSOS mission obtains documents which imply that the German's rate of progress toward a bomb had diminished. 1945 January- First Pu reprocessing production run at Hanford January 20- First U-235 separated at Oak Ridge. June 11- The Franck Report was sent to the Secretary of War. July 16-U.S. explodes first atomic bomb, the Trinity test, at Alamogordo. August 6,9-Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 1946 June 14-Baruch presents the Acheson-Lilienthal plan to internationalize the atom to the U.N. June 30- First subsurface detonation by U.S. at Bikini atoll. July- Demonstrations in Times Square, New York, against nuclear testing. December 31-AEC takes over nuclear weapons program from the Army. 1948 April, May-U.S. atomic tests, Eniwetok Atoll. 1949 April 4- NATO established. August 29- First Soviet detonation, in the Ustyurt desert. October 30-General Advisory Committee of the AEC recommends that the more powerful atomic bombs should be built rather than hydrogen bombs.